Why Should I Auction My Property?

There are several ways you can sell your property, some examples include private treaty, expressions of interest or auction. While we get great results using any of these methods, there are a few reasons why you should consider auction as the best way to sell your property, particularly in a strong market. There are countless reasons why auctions work, but here are just a few benefits that can only be achieved with auction as the selling method.

First and foremost is the competition that an auction generates. Auctions present the property to the market without a price tag, so there is no ceiling on the result, while the process evokes emotion from buyers throughout the whole campaign. Our professional and high-quality approach to marketing means your property is showcased in its best light, with professional photos, video content and well-constructed copywriting, motivating an emotional connection with the property. Our world-class open homes and the manner in which our agents manage an auction campaign generates competitive bidding come auction day, ensuring that you are not limiting the potential sale price your property can achieve.

Secondly, auctions that result in a sale under the hammer provide you the seller, with an unconditional contract. This means you are not at the mercy of cooling off periods, building and pest reports, finance clauses or subject to sale. You are presented with an unconditional contract from the moment the gavel falls, giving your greater flexibility to make your next move during your settlement period which is normally 30 days from the date of the auction.

Another excellent reason to auction your property is the transparent nature of auctions and the protection this affords you in terms of the sale price. During the auction campaign, both buyer sand sellers will have access to understanding fair market values at the current time, while also understanding that the winner takes it all. You are protected by your reserve price which is the figure you select prior to the auction. Your property simply cannot be sold unless the bidding reaches your reserve price, so you can rest assured and know you are in full control.

Finally, the other benefit of selling using an auction strategy is that your property can still sell prior to, on auction day or shortly thereafter. We find that when auction properties do not sell on auction day, they are generally sold within the 10 to 14 days post auction. While you can always choose to accept an offer prior to the auction day, that is entirely up to you as the seller.

Whether you are seeking a quick sale, want to remove the ceiling from your price point, want the added transparency and protection of an auction or simply want to collect more information from the market and create an atmosphere of competition for your property than an auction is the way for you. Our team will step you through the process and work with you to ensure that your auction campaign is smooth, stress-free and supports your property goals.

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Why Should I Auction My Property?